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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Democrats Try to Make Michele Bachmann an Enemy of the People (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | In the 2012 presidential race, it appears Rep. Michele Bachmann, who is an official candidate, has become the latest enemy of the people.

Politico's David Freddoso notes the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has chosen Bachmann as its new fundraising bogey-woman, quoting from the letter:

"Can you believe this? House Republican, Tea Party Caucus Chairwoman, and extremist Michele Bachmann has now officially announced her campaign for President. Not only does she think she can win, but many pundits think she's a contender. Even the latest polls show she's in a good position.

"So why does this matter? Michele Bachmann is the EXACT kind of extremist we're fighting to keep OUT of Congress. We have just 72 hours left to put together the strongest possible mid-year fundraising totals and put Tea Party Republicans on notice that that we're going to defeat them in 2012.

"Contribute $3 or more before the mid-year FEC deadline so we have the resources necessary to keep Republicans like Michele Bachmann out of Congress."

With Bachmann tying Mitt Romney in a recent Iowa poll and gaining a bit of momentum, it became inevitable that she become a target for the Democrats. The Democrats seem to be especially miffed that Bachmann, like Palin, is a woman and a conservative or, as they like to call her, "extremist."

Next potential Democratic donors will be informed that Bachmann is in favor of killing old people, despoiling the middle class, impoverishing children, and starting a war with whatever country the United States is not currently at war with. The fund raising letter covers the old, Democratic playbook.

It also shows that the Democrats are seriously afraid of Michele Bachmann, not only for her conservatism and star power, but also for her gender. The Daily Caller is reporting the Republicans are making a push for the women's vote, noting Obama economic policies have fallen heaviest on women, since they, "start two out of every three new businesses, create nearly $2.5 trillion in revenue annually, manage 83 percent of household income, and represent the majority of America's health care providers."

Having a woman at the top of the ticket, Bachmann or perhaps Palin should she decide to run, would be the icing on that political strategy cake and the Democrats' greatest nightmare.

View the original article here