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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

RNC using DNC chairwoman as 2012 lightning rod (Daily Caller)

As the 2012 elections slowly come around, conservatives operators are zeroing in on a target, and it’s not President Obama. Enter newly-crowned Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

With her sometimes hyperbolic rhetoric, the Florida Representative has become easy fodder. American Crossroads kicked off the  campaign with a light-hearted SNL spoof earlier in the month. Now, the Republican National Committee is getting serious.

Wasserman Schultz appeared Wednesday with Politico’s Mike Allen for a polite conversation. Answering an audience question later, the DNC chairwoman said Democrats were “responsible” for the current economic situation.

Obviously, she was talking about the supposed gains, but the RNC immediately blasted out a video, along with an eager press release that read:

They Said It! DNC Chair Says Democrats Will Take Ownership Of The Economy “Right Now”

That quick hit comes as Republicans begin turning the screws on Democrats — as well as  one of their most outspoken leaders — over the economic situation. The latest Wasserman Schultz video takes the DNC chairwoman to task for hailing an “economic turnaround.”

(IN 2012: DNC chairwoman looking forward to working with Republicans now, beating the crap out of them later)

In perhaps the surest sign that the economy, and the unemployment numbers, haven’t improved, it seems like the RNC couldn’t scrounge up enough money to hire a copy editor. Wasserman Schultz’s name is misspelled.

But at least it gets the point across.


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