Feds need to step up, protect essential creatures: WolvesGray wolves, including Mexican gray wolves, were poisoned, trapped and hunted until only a few isolated populations remained in the contiguous 48 states. Today, we have wolves in Arizona and New Mexico due to strong public support and the Endangered Species Act. Still, with only 75 animals in the wild, Mexican gray wolves remain one of the most endangered animals in North America, and they have less protection than they need. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing to continue and expand the designation of these animals as "non-essential." The wolves are essential and should be afforded full protection under the Endangered Species Act. Tell Fish and Wildlife.
Sandy BahrSierra Club, Grand Canyon chapter
'Unsustainable borrowing'will mean brutal cuts later onThe Obama administration insists that Congress pass a debt-limit increase "without any conditions." Under the current system, Congress first commits our taxes and then figures out how to pay. American families have to first know how much money they have and then adjust their spending to accommodate their lifestyles. Under Congress' system, they don't have to justify increases in spending because there isn't a system of priorities and a limit on what's available. Instead, they just continue what the Congressional Budget Office says is "unsustainable borrowing." The unintended consequence will force cuts in critical areas like education. This dynamic has to change.
Jim BarberRetiree, Camp VerdeI was stunned to read in Robert Robb's column Monday about the growing Republican registration advantage in Arizona. I reregistered Democratic after 30 years as a Republican Party activist and a staunch fiscal conservative because the Arizona Republican Party has moved too far right. Moreover, right-wing politicians and their corrupt band of political operatives enjoy a virtual monopoly over our state government. This kind of political imbalance is not good government. Absolute power corrupts. In Arizona, the party of moderation is the Democratic Party. Narrowing this registration gap and turning Arizona purple should be the No. 1 priority of good government activists.
Paula PennypackerOccupy Washington Grassroots Coalition
Arizona Fall League provides some entertaining baseballAs the Arizona Diamondbacks wrap up another disappointing season, it's time for some real baseball as Oct. 8 is opening day of the Arizona Fall League. Those six teams are composed of young guys hustling to make a major-league roster, and whether you root for the Scottsdale Scorpions or one of the other teams, it's a chance to inexpensively discover the grass-roots of baseball in the pleasant autumn climate of Arizona. The season ends Nov. 16 with the championship game. It's worth attending as the winners always celebrate as if they just won the World Series.
Jim McAllisterScottsdale bloggerCopyright 2013 The Arizona Republic|azcentral.com. All rights reserved.For more information about reprints & permissions, visit our FAQ's. To report corrections and clarifications, contact Standards Editor
Brent Jones. For publication consideration in the newspaper, send comments to letters@usatoday.com. Include name, phone number, city and state for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections.usatoday.com.

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