(PNI) I think this is pretty accurate: Congress creates a fiscal crisis with a known default date, and then takes the summer off. Congress passes a law that doesn't apply equally to all citizens, and then can't make it work. The president and the Senate refuse to negotiate on anything, and the House Republicans get the blame. Premeditated targeting of selected groups during the shutdown inflicts intentional suffering on citizens. The intentional, heinous actions of not caring for our fallen soldiers and their families is despicable. We get to watch it happen all over again in 10 or 12 weeks -- after they take the Christmas holidays off. Brilliant!What did I miss?--
Mike Sromek, Glendale
Responsibilities for lawmakersAn agreement on the partial government shutdown and the debt ceiling has been reached. Most Republicans again cave. Therefore, President Barack Obama, the Democratic Party and moderate Republicans are now responsible for: 1. Continued high unemployment.2. Enormous public debt and its burden on our children and grandchildren.3. "Obamacare" dysfunction.4. Growing taxation.5. The continuing loss of personal freedom.--
Lowell Ziemann, Happy Jack
Good riddance to the 'tea party'In 2010, after the "tea party" rose to a minority voice in Congress, a member of President Barack Obama's staff said the tea party would be merely a footnote in history in two years. Well, he was wrong; it took three years. Either way, good riddance.Now maybe the Congress can get back to solving the nation's problems instead of creating them.
--Joe SecolaScottsdale
Get rid of the 'lords' in CongressI have had it. Our federal lawmakers (House and Senate, Democrat and Republican) seem to forget that they are, or should be, subject to the laws they create. Many have been in office much too long. As a result, they think they are lords and we are the serfs in their fiefdoms. Those who have been there more than 12 years are the problem. They must remember that they set the spending levels, create laws for all of us, oversee bureaus and agencies. They have created this mess and refuse to fix it. It's time to get rid of all of them and start over. We need people in office who are servants of this country and will work for the betterment of the country.--
Alice Wilson, Sun City
Congress, cut your own salariesHey, Congress! Why not pass a 10 to 20 percent cut in your salary to go along with your apology to America? Americans are understanding and just might re-elect you.--
Ed Laird, New River
Hatred is just bad propagandaBecause Rep. Brenda Barton, R-Payson, wants to make analogies related to the politics of the 1930s, I have one also: Joseph Goebbels (minister of propaganda for the most hated regime in history). He would have been proud of the success of the anti-Obama propaganda seen on the Internet, TV and print media. Prejudice and hatred are the tools of a minority just as they were in Munich in the 1920s. Give us back our democratic process.--
George Egly, Sun CityCopyright 2013 The Arizona Republic|azcentral.com. All rights reserved.For more information about reprints & permissions, visit our FAQ's. To report corrections and clarifications, contact Standards Editor
Brent Jones. For publication consideration in the newspaper, send comments to letters@usatoday.com. Include name, phone number, city and state for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections.usatoday.com.

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