(PNI) To all you folks out there that keep saying, "Leave Medicare alone": That is not an option.The country made a mistake with this program many years ago and we cannot support it in its current form. Open your minds to alternatives.--
Dominic Foanio, Gilbert
Benson followed herd on BidenI either laugh at Benson's cartoons or ignore them. Either way, I respected his cleverness. But his Aug. 17 cartoon on Vice President Joe Biden was disappointing.Benson is usually creative. It was sad to see him following the media script that the vice president's recent comment about chains was anything more than a simple play on words.--
Dwight Snider, San Tan Valley
Obama should leave Biden behindCan Barack Obama afford to have Vice President Joe Biden as a running mate in 2012?Joe Biden is a nice, likable person but is not an asset to the Democratic Party. He continues to put his foot in his mouth and recently offended the party's constituents in Virginia. If you are politically minded you could envision pressure forcing Joe Biden to resign his position and return to private life. This would allow the president to pick a stronger running mate and improve his chances of re-election.It's just a thought from someone who spent 10 years in Washington, D.C., observing the clowns.--
Dess Chappelear, Sun City West
Pension reform is all about mathRegarding "Cutting pension benefits for state workers a misguided idea driven by greed," (Letters, Tuesday):The letter writer takes issue withRepublic columnist Robert Robb's prescription for strengthening the state's public pension system.Arizona's largest pension plan has half the amount of assets that it needs to fulfill its obligations to current state workers and retirees. While this is a sobering statistic, Arizona has time to emerge from its $37billion hole and avoid the fate of European Union nations buried under unsustainable pension and entitlement programs.This means we have to stop making the same unfulfillable retirement promises to new hires and younger members of the current state workforce.Finding a path to transition workers to a 401(k)-style plan will prevent the predictable scenario where spending on pensions crowds out spending on education and public safety, leads to tax increases, or, if we kick the can far enough down the road, Arizona defaults on benefit payments to the next generation of retirees.It's not, as the letter writer asserts, greed that drives those who seek to prevent this devastating scenario; it's math.--
Chris McIsaac, PhoenixThe writer is the research director for the Arizona Chamber Foundation and the author of the paper"Pension Tension: Understanding Arizona's Public Employee Retirement Plans."
Voters, remember what Joe forgotJoe Arpaio's commercials proclaim him to be the biggest protector of children because he goes after deadbeat dads.It's a shame he didn't take the same stand when his department fell down on the job in investigating dozens of sex-crimes cases, most of them involving children, in El Mirage. That sure doesn't sound like he's doing much to defend children.And before anyone tries to defend him, please remember, he not only isn't contesting these accusations, he isn't even contesting the numbers. And we all heard his apology to the victims "if there were any" (his words not mine).It scares me that people will still vote for him. Voters, please remember him ignoring over 400 sexual assaults when you vote for Maricopa County sheriff. Please.--
Tim Hunt, Phoenix
Who should sheriff be targeting?It is curious that Sheriff Joe Arpaio is being accused of racial profiling primarily on the basis that the majority of illegal immigrants being arrested are Mexicans.According to the American Immigration Council, an advocacy group for Latinos, roughly 70 percent of illegal immigrants applying for legal residency under the new Obama executive order are in fact from Mexico. So exactly who should Sheriff Arpaio be looking for?--
R. Peters, PhoenixCopyright 2012 The Arizona Republic|azcentral.com. All rights reserved.For more information about reprints & permissions, visit our FAQ's. To report corrections and clarifications, contact Standards Editor
Brent Jones. For publication consideration in the newspaper, send comments to letters@usatoday.com. Include name, phone number, city and state for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections.usatoday.com.

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