Campaign rally: Paul Ryan hands the microphone to Mitt Romney on Saturday in Ashland, Va.
Justin Sullivan, Getty ImagesCampaign rally: Paul Ryan hands the microphone to Mitt Romney on Saturday in Ashland, Va.
The Democratic Party has created a voting bloc that depends on the party's programs. Ryan will articulate how Americans can return to the economic greatness that was the foundation of our country before we became mired in the Great Society and Obama's "hope and change" policies.Whether USA TODAY will report the facts and not try to spin Ryan's message will be interesting to watch. Please remember that, contrary to popular conceptions, it is not Ryan who is attempting to throw old ladies over a cliff. Ryan is trying to prevent Obama from throwing America into a chasm from which it cannot recover.Dave Kennett; Dayton, OhioOhio lawmaker a better choiceRep. Paul Ryan, 42, touts the virtue of private enterprise but has worked most of his adult life in the public sector. He briefly was a marketing consultant for his family's construction business.Letters to the editor
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Mitt Romney should have chosen a more seasoned person to be a heartbeat away from the presidency, such as Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio. Gary Wesley; Mountain View, Calif.Next GOP president?In announcing Paul Ryan as his running mate, Mitt Romney introduced Ryan as "the next president of the United States," later correcting himself. Mistake aside, Romney's statement might very well turn out to be an accurate prediction.If President Obama beats Romney this November, Ryan's star could continue to rise nonetheless, and he might run for and win the presidency in 2016.Constantinos E. Scaros; Newmanstown, Pa.'Empty promises,' indeedPaul Ryan's speech Saturday would have been terrific, if only it had made more sense ("Romney taps Ryan as his running mate"). He started by declaring that President Obama "passed nearly every item on his agenda," and then complained that "politicians from both parties have made empty promises." But how could the president's promises be "empty" if he passed "nearly every item on his agenda"? Then Ryan patted himself on the back: "I believe my record of getting things done in Congress will be a very helpful complement to Gov. Romney's executive and private-sector success." Never mind that his major claim to fame — the Ryan budget plan — is dead in the water in Congress, an "empty promise" if you will.Finally, he stated: "We won't blame others. We will take responsibility!" But his entire speech contained not one single specific proposal and blamed Obama for nearly everything. It's really hard to see what Ryan brings to this ticket.Joan Jacobson; Lakewood, Colo.For more information about reprints & permissions, visit our FAQ's. To report corrections and clarifications, contact Standards Editor Brent Jones. For publication consideration in the newspaper, send comments to letters@usatoday.com. Include name, phone number, city and state for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections.usatoday.com.