(PNI) Get out that binder full of women …If a woman hasn't decided to run against
Mario Diaz next year, she should grab the brass ring the community-college district board candidate tossed out this month.Diaz, a Democrat and a candidate for a seat on the Maricopa County Community College District governing board, was part of recent panel discussion. Asked to name "rising stars" in the Democratic Party, he rattled off men's names, but came up blank on the women. That is, until Senate Minority Leader
Katie Hobbs, D-Phoenix and state Senate star, mentioned the slight on her Facebook page. The reaction was fast and furious. Comments ranged from "unbelievable" to "what an idiot" to a dissection of his campaign supporters -- of which women accounted for only 21percent, according to one post. Oh, and he has GOP supporters, too. So much for bipartisanship.Diaz called Hobbs to apologize and then posted his apology, saying he "froze" when asked the question."My comment was to say that our community needed more women in political power, not that there are not women who serve in such posts," he wrote. "I have no excuses, I apologize." What's wrong with this math? … Thirty-eight Republican members of the Legislature voted against Medicaid expansion. But 36 signed on to the lawsuit challenging that decision.The missing plaintiffs were Sens.
Don Shooter, R-Yuma, and
Michele Reagan, R-Scottsdale. Shooter has said he doesn't like to sue his friends. Reagan voted for Medicaid expansion before she voted against it.Missing from the vote and the lawsuit is Sen.
Rick Murphy, R-Peoria. Murphy said he feared he wouldn't have standing to sue, since he was on
vacation when the vote was taken.Standing -- or having a legal reason to sue -- may not matter, at least as far as Gov.
Jan Brewer's legal team sees it. None of the lawmakers has a right to sue, the lawyers argue, since they're not paying the "provider tax" at the heart of the plaintiff's lawsuit. We'll see what the courts have to say about that matter; the case is before a Maricopa County Superior Court judge. An unusual raffle … As part of the Christmas raffle this year, the Republicans in Legislative District 26, which covers parts of Tempe and Mesa, gave away an AR-15 rifle. They said the point was to raise awareness about gun rights. LD 26 Democrats issued a news release decrying a gun raffle held within days of the anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. Committee Chairman
Randy Keating, in a news release, called it "irresponsible" and "grossly insensitive." "Arizona deserves much better from the LD 26 Republican leadership, and that is why we have decided to help collect donations for one of Arizona's leading gun-safety groups, Arizonans for Gun Safety," Keating said.Pick your evil: insensitive timing or using the deaths of 20 children to make a political point. A call to arms … Gov.
Jan Brewer last week posted an "I Stand With Jan to Defend Christmas" postcard on her Facebook page. Within 24hours, it had garnered nearly 75,000 likes. But based on the comments, both supporters and dissenters seemed to have missed the spirit of the season -- whatever season they choose to celebrate this time of year -- entirely.Here's a little sample:"Merry Christmas. I'm Hispanic and I'm tired of how all of these corrupt racist liberals like (President Barack) Obama and his supporters are trying to turn this great country into a 3rd world one.""What exactly is Christmas being attacked by? This is idiotic. I can't believe you're in charge of an entire state.""From what, pray tell?! What scaremongering phonies you are!""Merry Christmas Jan. Believe me I say it to everyone whether they like it or not."
Tweet of the week"Just landed in Chicago. Saying it's cold would be like saying CPS (Child Protective Services) has 'a few issues.'"--House Minority Leader Chad Campbell, D-Phoenix. Compiled by Republic reporters Mary Jo Pitzl, Alia Beard Rau, Yvonne Wingett Sanchez, Michelle Ye Hee Lee and Rebekah L. Sanders. Get the latest at
politics.azcentral.com.Copyright 2013 The Arizona Republic|azcentral.com. All rights reserved.For more information about reprints & permissions, visit our FAQ's. To report corrections and clarifications, contact Standards Editor
Brent Jones. For publication consideration in the newspaper, send comments to letters@usatoday.com. Include name, phone number, city and state for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections.usatoday.com.

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