CHARLOTTE, N.C. — CHARLOTTE, N.C. Once a bright spot for President Barack Obama, North Carolina is now more like a political migraine less than four months before Democrats open the party's national convention in Charlotte.The causes are plenty.Labor unions, a core Democratic constituency, are up in arms. Democratic Gov. Bev Perdue isn't running for re-election; Democrats say she was likely to lose. The state Democratic Party is in disarray over an explosive sexual-harassment scandal. Voters recently approved amending the state Constitution to ban gay marriage, a position that runs counter to Obama's. And unemployment in the state remains persistently high."Nobody can sugarcoat the fact that we got problems here," said Gary Pearce, a former Democratic consultant who was an adviser to former Democratic Gov. Jim Hunt. Pearce was referring specifically to state-party woes but could have been talking about any of the troubles here for Democrats.But, he added, "I think the greatest strength that the party has is President Obama. And he's the thing that people will rally around."It wasn't supposed to be like this -- at least that was the hope -- when Democrats chose Charlotte to host the national convention, where Obama will formally accept his party's presidential nomination for a second time Sept. 4-6.When Democrats announced the choice in February 2011, they said selecting the Southern city signaled Obama's intent to fight hard for the conservative-leaning state like he did in 2008. They also highlighted the economic transformation in the state and in Charlotte -- from tobacco, textiles and furniture making to research, energy and banking. Party leaders noted the state's strong political leadership and expressed hope that a Perdue re-election bid would get a boost from the attention that would be lavished on the convention.Now traditional Democratic Party groups are threatening huge protests, in part because they're deeply uncomfortable that the convention is being held in one of the least union-friendly states. And thousands of Democrats across the country are calling for the convention to be relocated because of the gay-marriage vote.Democrats say that won't happen."Charlotte is going to host a great convention," insisted Mayor Anthony Foxx, who pushed to bring the event to North Carolina's largest city.Joanne Peters, spokeswoman for the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, said, "The convention is staying in Charlotte."Republicans point out the obvious."North Carolina is a mess for the Democratic Party and for President Obama," said Matt Connelly, Republican National Committee spokesman.Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. For more information about reprints & permissions, visit our FAQ's. To report corrections and clarifications, contact Standards Editor
Brent Jones. For publication consideration in the newspaper, send comments to Include name, phone number, city and state for verification. To view our corrections, go to

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